Using Products at 1/2 Strength Makes Sense

Using everyday products at 1/2 strength is often more than enough.


WASTE NOT | It all started with my first highlights. My stylist swung me around to the mirror for the reveal, and I basked in the glow of my glorious, glittering bangs, confident I would gleam forever in a radiant halo. Then he pulled me back to earth with a thump: “You’re going to have to stop washing your hair so much.” My wise stylist explained that daily washing strips the hair of colour and leaves it dull and dry.

I’d spent big bucks on my hair and was determined to protect my investment, so I cut down on the number of times I washed, and I revisited everything I thought I knew about shampoo. Instead of Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat, it became Shampoo, Rinse for me, all the way. Then one day it occurred to me—not only was my hair looking just as good or better, my shampoo budget had been cut in half.

Adopt The 50% Solution

Looking around the house for other ways to cut my consumption in half, I found that dishwashing detergent, clothes detergent and liquid fabric softener all worked just as well at half-strength. My dark clothing actually looked better  when I used less detergent. Those soft, squeezy bottles that dish soap comes in are designed for overuse, so I transferred the soap over to a pretty glass bottle fitted with a pouring spout and found I could use much less and still get squeaky clean pots and pans. I had half bottles of glass cleaner and spray cleaner that I filled up with water and gently mixed (to prevent foaming) and found they worked just as well too.

I’m still experimenting, and in general cleaning products are especially good candidates for the 50 percent formula. Despite manufacturers’ instructions, half as much is more than enough. —Terri Brandmueller

Photo: iStockphoto

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