
Electric Is The Best Way To Brush
Lacklustre brusher? Switching to a high-powered electric toothbrush (like a Sonicare) can make a huge difference in the state of your mouth.

A Novel Way To Stay Awake While Driving
There are plenty of strategies to help you stay awake while driving. Here’s a highly effective one you may not have thought about.

When To Go Organic & When Not To Bother
When you want eat healthy, is organic produce a must? Not necessarily, say the experts at Licious Living, who share their list of the cleanest and dirtiest fruits and veggies in your supermarket.

To Break An Unwanted Habit, Do This One Thing
Forget about making a long list of resolutions you are never going to keep; instead, decide to modify just one thing—then support that decision one day at a time.

Infused & Enthused: Zing Water Bottles!
Zing Anything beverage infusers make the freshest fruit waters to go.

Easy Ways To Improve Computer Posture
Here is a dead easy way to automatically improve your posture (and circulation) while sitting at the computer.

No Really, Vinegar Is Great For Sunburn
Who would have thought that plain old vinegar would be the best thing to take the sting and colour out of sunburn?

The Stick Can Ease Muscle Aches & Pains
This little piece of equipment may not eliminate the need for professional massage, but it can help manage muscle pain.

Rescue Me: How To Escape A Sinking Car
How to escape a sinking car—plus an inexpensive tool that could make the process easier.

The Nutribullet: An All-Time Favourite Kitchen Product
Why the Nutribullet could be our favourite kitchen product of 2013.

Generic Over-The-Counter Drugs Are The Better Buy
If you’re buying brand name over-the-counter medications instead of generic ones, nine times out of 10 you’re wasting money.

How To Use Baking Soda To Whiten Teeth
Baking soda will definitely whiten your teeth. Here's how to use it properly.