Fitness | Exercise

Just Jump—You Won’t Be Sorry
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How to improve your mood, energy level, agility, cardiovascular system and bone density by doing one simple thing.

Walk Therapy: How To Log Maximum Miles Every Month
There’s no question that walking is good for you. Here’s a clever trick to keep you on track.

The Stick Can Ease Muscle Aches & Pains
This little piece of equipment may not eliminate the need for professional massage, but it can help manage muscle pain.

The Best Way To Lace Your Workout Shoes
Who knew there were so many corrective ways to lace up your workout shoes?

Lean In: How To Walk To Build A Better Butt
Lean In: How sprinter’s mechanics and plain old walking on a treadmill can help you develop the derriere of your dreams.

How To Loosen Tight Hamstrings Quick
Is there such a thing as yoga magic? If you struggle with tight hamstrings, this Five-Minute Challenge might lead you to say yes.

2 Great Little Gifts For Beauty & Fitness Types
Perfect little somethings to put in the Christmas stocking of beauty and fitness types.

The Perfect App for Time Strapped Yoga Buffs
Frugalbits columnist Eve Johnson has developed an easy, inexpensive app for time-strapped yoga buffs. Here's how you can win a copy.

780 Pairs Of Strechy Gloves For $20
Yes, Virginia, it's true: you can have 780 pairs of gloves for under $20. We report on the miracle here.

Why You Need To Jump Rope For 60 Seconds
We who are likely to die early because we sit too much need a combat plan. Here’s a tactic that could prove an effective weapon.

Reshape Your Body With The Bar Method
Turn your body into a tight, little package in a relatively short period of time with The Bar Method, an intense shape-shifting workout program.

Quick Little Workouts For Sedentary Types
There are efficient and targeted ways to shape up even when you sit for a living. We weigh in on the merits of the 10 Minute Solution exercise DVDs.

Get Fit For Free: Try These Killer Workouts
Sure you can join a gym this month, but you may want to read about these killer workouts first.

Try This Rebounder Workout At Home
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson will put a bounce in your workout with a rebound routine that’s free on YouTube.

Use Your Fingers To Wake Up Your Tired Toes
Yoga instructor Eve Johnson explains how to wake up your feet by interlacing your fingers and toes.

There’s More Than One Way To Do A Marathon
Just do it: Marathon walking is a gaining speed because running a 42-km race may be an accomplishment, but it isn’t necessarily the best thing for the body.

Stretch Tight Thighs With Half-Hero Pose
The half-hero pose is an excellent and easy way to give your thighs a good and effective stretch. Eve Johnson explains how to do it.

Reverse Your Curve With This Easy Pose
Most of what we do, including typing, cooking, driving, etc. encourages us to round our backs. Don’t get stuck there. Instead, reverse the curve with a chest-opening pose.

Sit 23+ Hours A Week? You Must Move Now
Even if we live reasonably healthy lives but sit for more than 23 hours a week, we are 64 percent more likely to die from heart disease. Natasha Irvine tells us what to do about it.

Hardcore Circuit Classes Are The Bomb
Personal training is great, and if you've been doing it, you probably don't want to stop. But there is a less expensive, hardcore alternative for the already decently fit. These top Vancouver training studios are serious about their circuits.

3 Fun Ways To Switch Up Your Workout
Fitness routines can get boring after a while; results from even the most fantastic regime will eventually plateau. Here are three fun ways to shake up your routine: Zumba, swordplay and laughter yoga.