Food | Easy + Quick = Delicious

Slushies For The Grownups
Coarse and crystalline granita is easily the most refreshing, energizing ice dessert you will make this summer.

Easy As Sin: Make Glorious Puff Pancakes
As a breakfast treat for sleepover guests (or for anyone any time for that matter), nothing is more spectacular than classic German puff pancakes.

5 irresistible recipes for popcorn toppings
Here are our top 5 recipes for popcorn toppings you will not be able to resist.

Appetite For Easy: One Minute Guacamole
Here’s a recipe for the best guacamole you’ll ever scoop on a chip: it’s fresh, seriously delicious and you can whip up in an instant.

Technique: Make Dulce de Leche In The Microwave
Most recipes for making dulce de leche require slaving over a stovetop. Here’s how to beat that heat and whip it up this hot sauce super quick.

Technique: Make Perfect, Crisp Bacon In The Oven
Nothing says lovin’ like bacon from the oven; make it no fuss, no mess and quick.

An Appetite for Easy: Sweet Ice Cream Sliders
Why not let your dinner guests make their own tiny ice cream sandwiches for dessert?

How To Make Perfect Caramels In The Microwave
Yes, it really is possible to make super yummy sea salt caramels in the microwave.

Bake The Best Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
This simple-to-make chocolate dessert topped with whipped cream is so sinfully rich you’ll be shocked to learn it’s gluten free.

Make The Berry Best Dessert In Under 5
Mixed berry clafoutis is unquestionably the most delicious and fruity summer dessert you can make in less than five minutes.

Inexpensive Tortes That Take The Cake
If you’re in a rush or dessert from scratch isn’t your thing, one of these inexpensive frozen tortes will take the cake.