Garden | Tools & Shortcuts

Why Gardeners Should Make A Bouquet Every Day
One way to get a handle on what’s happening in your garden is to make a sweet little bouquet every day. British superstar garden designer Dan Pearson shows you how.

Backyard Chickens Need A Moveable Coop
There's a perfectly good reason why Mark Johnston's backyard hens live in movable coops attached to his raised vegetable. They help pay for their keep by making fertilizer.

Pusher Broom Love: Meet The Schmutz
Swept away by a funny looking broom with a funny sounding name Schmutz Haken. (VIDEO)

How To Get Rid Of Old Stuff Quick—For Free
One man's trash could be just what someone out there is looking for. Here's how to give away things you don't want at lightening speed to save the planet and avoid a dumping fee.