
H&M Gift Packaging - Paul Joseph

Wrap Stars: H&M’s Reusable Gift Boxes

Why don’t more stores follow the H&M lead and minimize their logo on good looking gift packaging so shoppers can reuse it year after year?

H&M Gift Packaging - Paul Joseph


FREE & FABULOUS | Too bad other big brands and major retailers don’t adopt Swedish fashion megabrand H&M’s approach to gift-wrapping, because if enough of them were to do it, gift givers would be able to wean themselves off wasteful wrapping paper in no time flat. Read more

Christmas Wrap - 123rf

4 Sources For Big Rolls Of Great Holiday Gift-Wrap

When buying holiday gift-wrapping paper, go big or go home.

Christmas Wrap - 123rfSAVE MONEY + TIME | The most cost-effective time to buy Christmas wrap and ribbon is in January when it’s discounted by half or more. Almost as good is to buy it now in large and luxurious rolls. Not only is there a cost savings when you buy big, but there’s also the peace of mind from knowing you have enough paper no matter what shape or how large the gift. This year I’m going for stylish big-bulk rolls, and also for tough. I want paper that can stand up to peeking, paper that’s not bible-tissue wuss-wrap that tears at the slightest tug.

4 Great Local Sources For Big-Bulk Wrap Read more