
Boxee Box -dLink

TV + Internet: Thinking Inside The Boxee Box

This digital receiver provides a dead easy way to stream FREE Internet content—in glorious HD—on your big screen TV.

Boxee Box -dLinkSHOPPING AROUND | When Apple TV relaunched last fall, I rushed out and got one and hooked it up to my television with an HDMI cable so I could gain easy, seamless access to Netflix and whatever other premium—a.k.a. paid for—audio/video content ITunes can persuade me to purchase from their online emporium. Now I’m wondering whether a Boxee Box would have been the smarter buy.

What Is Boxee Box? Read more

So Hot Out Of The Box: DVDs Cheap As Chips

DVD collections from this online company are about as cheap as they come.

Stacked boxes of DVDsCHEAP + GOOD | Shopping online is such big business that it feels pretty safe. Still it’s a leap of faith to buy from companies you’ve never heard of that do not have a gargantuan brick and mortar setup like Staples or a solid online presence like

My friend Debbi admits to having felt slight misgivings when she ordered all five seasons (60 episodes) of The Wire from DVD Collects, an online company she had never heard of with DVD prices that were cheap as chips. Read more