
Sophia Vartanian - Modern Farmer magazine

A New Magazine For Modern Farmer Types

This new international magazine with a Vancouver connection is for anyone interested in where their food comes from.

Sophia Vartanian - Modern Farmer magazine


NEW NOW NEXT | While magazine publishers everywhere are getting out of print, Vancouver billionaire philanthropist Frank Guistra is jumping in. Last month, Modern Farmer, a new quarterly magazine on farming, which comes in both print and digital versions, launched in the U.S. with Guistra’s name listed prominently on the masthead as equity partner. Guistra is betting on the public growing ever more inquisitive about where their food comes from, how it’s produced, and how they can participate in the modern farmer movement. And he is counting on the talent and international connections of editor-in-chief Ann Marie Gardner, who made a name for herself as a writer and producer at Monocle and New York Times T: Travel, two stylish magazines known for nailing the zeitgeist. Read more

Frugalbits For The Win - iStock

Frugalbits For The Win!!

With national nominations for both best online-only magazine and best web design at the 2011 Canadian Online Publishing Awards, everyone in our trenches feels like we’ve already received a prize.

Frugalbits For The Win - iStock


GRATEFUL | This may sound cornball, but being a finalist in two categories at the upcoming  2011 Canadian Online Publishing Awards—best online-only magazine and best web design (consumer division)—already feels like a win to me. Positive national recognition at whatever level is a super confidence booster, not to mention a bonus for business. Read more