
Fresh Air Movie Night in Vancouver

Going to a Fresh Air Cinema event (or two) should be on everyone’s “Must Do” list for the summer.

Fresh Air Cinema screenFREE IS GOOD | In the 1950s, when cars and families were big but budgets were small, drive-in movies were the perfect inexpensive way to spend a night out. Now there’s Fresh Air Cinema, which is not just frugal, it’s absolutely free. Read more

So Hot Out Of The Box: DVDs Cheap As Chips

DVD collections from this online company are about as cheap as they come.

Stacked boxes of DVDsCHEAP + GOOD | Shopping online is such big business that it feels pretty safe. Still it’s a leap of faith to buy from companies you’ve never heard of that do not have a gargantuan brick and mortar setup like Staples or a solid online presence like

My friend Debbi admits to having felt slight misgivings when she ordered all five seasons (60 episodes) of The Wire from DVD Collects, an online company she had never heard of with DVD prices that were cheap as chips. Read more

Rememberance Day Poppies


Remembrance Day is the string around my finger that reminds me to meditate on all of the people—here and gone—that I love.

Rememberance Day Poppies

WHAT NOT TO MISS | What’s your favourite holiday? Christmas, Easter, Halloween? Mine’s Remembrance Day. I love it because it’s a plain day with nothing to buy and no baggage like costumes, candy, cards, parties or gifts. I love that it’s a cultural unifier, and about honour and sacrifice and all sorts of other things that are so much bigger than me. Read more