
Robert Fung’s Fave Gastown Haunts

With his eye for design and authenticity, heritage developer Robert Fung is our man on the ground in Gastown.

Robert FungDubbed “the poster child of heritage” by Heritage Vancouver president Donald Luxton, Vancouver developer Robert Fung is dedicated to revitalizing not only the buildings of Gastown but also the neighbourhood itself. Design-conscious but not snobby, Robert believes that historic environments and modernism are not mutually exclusive concepts. His company, The Salient Group, has won numerous heritage awards and recently received a prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s medal for architecture for the refurbished Garage, Terminus and Alhambra buildings, eliciting comments like “This is what architecture is meant to be.” Robert knows Gastown inside out and is actively involved in the daily life of the community. With his eye for design and authenticity, he’s our man on the ground in Gastown.

7 free, cheap or worth it things to see, do or buy in Gastown

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