
Woman Jumping Rope

Just Jump—You Won’t Be Sorry

How to improve your mood, energy level, agility, cardiovascular system and bone density by doing this one simple thing.

Woman Jumping Rope


FIT IN A MINUTE | Gretchen Rubin, author of The New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project, wrote a blog post last December on the joy of jumping up and down. Gretchen claims that the simple act of jumping up and down—in street wear, no special equipment or gym strip required—relaxes and/or invigorates her, depending on the situation. Oh yes, and it makes her kids laugh too, something that contributes to a more lighthearted mood at home. Read more

Walk Therapy: How To Log Maximum Miles Every Month

There’s no question that walking is good for you. Here’s a trick to make sure you keep moving.

Walking exercise


FIT FOR FREE |  Last month, I walked from Vancouver in Canada to Bellingham in Washington and then back to Vancouver again. After that I walked from Vancouver to Hope. I didn’t actually visit either of these lovely towns—I walked the equivalent distance, 316 kilometres (196 miles), in and around my own neck of the woods. Read more


Lean In: How To Walk To Build A Better Butt

How sprinter’s mechanics and plain old walking on a treadmill can help you develop the derriere of your dreams.




FIT FOR FREE | Elite athletes know which sport produces the best butt in their biz: it’s sprinting by a mile. A sprinter’s buttocks sits high, round and proud, a position that comes from maximum gluteus development through explosive running done in short bursts of time. Correct sprinting technique results in a long, lean lower body with both thighs and butt in proper proportion. Read more

How To Loosen Tight Hamstrings Quick

If you struggle with tight hamstrings, this five-minute yoga challenge will feel like a blessing for sure.

Five-Minute Yoga Challenge with tennis ball


FIVE-MINUTE YOGA | Massaging the soles of the feet loosens the starting point of a network of connective tissue that runs up the back of your body to the crown of your head. Rolling a tennis ball under each foot for just five minutes a day will lead to more relaxed feet and flexible hamstrings. Read more


The Absolute Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever

Give her a Mother’s Day gift she’ll remember for the rest of her life.



MONEY WELL SPENT | You could give your sweet mama any number of indulgences for Mother’s Day (It’s May 13 in case you need a reminder), a box of heavenly macaroons, for example, or her favourite expensive perfume, but these sorts of gifts are ephemeral. If you really want to go all out for the woman who grew you up, give her a gift that will do right by her beautiful mind. Read more

Woman Jumping Rope

Why You Need To Jump Rope For 60 Seconds

We who are likely to die early because we sit too much need a combat plan. Here’s a tactic that could prove an effective weapon.

Woman Jumping Rope  FITTER BY THE MINUTE | Anyone who checks this website routinely knows I’m obsessed with the fact I sit too much. I HATE sitting in front of a computer for hours at a stretch but that is what I do for a living. Sure I can use a sit/stand desk like the ones we reported on HERE last week. And yes I can—and do—exercise outside normal work hours, but I know from reading the research these practices alone will not keep the Grim Reaper from calling early, most likely unannounced. Read more

weight lifting - istock

Quick Little Workouts For Sedentary Types

These efficient, targeted, quick little workouts are great for sedentary types.

weight lifting - istockSAVE TIME + ENERGY | Before I got involved with this online magazine, I worked out pretty hard at least four times a week. Now it’s just twice—if I’m lucky. Most of the time I sit in front of a computer screen; I can actually feel my bottom deflating (dare I say spreading?) as I type these words. Yikes.

It’s hard to stay in shape when you sit for a living, but I do not intend to let my whole bod to go south without putting up a fight. So I won’t get bored I need a multitude of seriously quick and efficient workout routines I can do in street clothes (if I need to) in my weensy office space. Read more

Marathon Walking - iStock

There’s More Than One Way To Do A Marathon

There’s more than one way to do a marathon—and every kind of victory is sweet.

Marathon Walking - iStock


JUST DO IT | Marathon walking is a pretty big deal right now, and it’s getting bigger because fitness fanatics who’ve been jogging their shins off are finding that while finishing a 42-km race may be an accomplishment, it isn’t necessarily the best thing for the body. Read more

Reverse The Curve - C. Phaisalakani

Reverse Your Curve With This Easy Pose

We’re becoming a nation of stoopers; “reverse the curve” with this challenge.

Reverse The Curve - C. Phaisalakani


FIVE-MINUTE-YOGA | Most of what we do, including typing, cooking, driving, reading and gardening, encourages us to lift our shoulder blades, jut our heads forward and round our backs. Don’t get stuck there. Instead, reverse the curve with a chest-opening pose. You’ll make more space for your lungs, bring your shoulders back into place, relieve upper back tension and stretch your front chest muscles. Even five minutes a day makes a difference—as long as it’s every day. Read more

Stair Walking - iStock

Sit 23+ Hours A Week? You Must Move Now

When you sit all day, you may need more than dedicated workouts to keep yourself in good health.

Stair Walking - iStockFITTER BY THE MINUTE It is well known that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among Canadians. But a recent study was shocked to find that going to the gym does not make up for all the sedentary time we spend. This is bad news for professional sitters (i.e., those of us who sit at desk to make a living). A recent New York Times article indicated that even if we live reasonably healthy lives but sit for more than 23 hours a week, we are 64 percent more likely to die from heart disease. According to the study, even for those who have nixed cream and go jogging, it is not enough to counteract the effects of all of that sitting. So unless you are planning on a career change to bike courier or rickshaw driver, insert a bit of activity into your office hours by giving your daily grind some heart.

This simple active routine will boost your heart rate (not to mention your popularity and productivity). Read more