Painted slingback chair by Brendan Power - Clinton Hussey

How To Paint A Canvas Slingback Patio Chair

Transform this plain canvas beachside staple into a chair with style and presence.

Painted slingback chair by Brendan Power -  Clinton Hussey


THE CREATIVE SOLUTION | Being fashionably dressed is expensive enough, but imagine the financial damage you can do creating the “latest look” for your home—which is why most of us play it safe with our furniture by sticking to classics. The trouble with this approach is that sometimes safe can mean boring. Fortunately there are ways to be current without taking a vow of poverty.

I suggest using quick changing accent pieces to modify your décor. Here I put my DIY skills to work transforming a classic—and already attractive—slingback patio chair—into something more topical and unique.

How To Paint A Plain Slingback

Plain Canvas Chair - iStock

1. To get the look featured at the top of the story, use acrylic paint mixed with textile medium, which makes the paint washing- and ironing-safe. Delta Ceramcoat makes both the paint and the medium and I have had great results with this product.

2. Pencil desired shapes on the fabric of a sling chair.

3. Cover the lines with masking tape, brushing on the paint inside the lines

4. Let the paint dry for one week, then peel it off.

5. Go over designs with an iron for a “limited edition” fabric. —Brendan Power

In Vancouver, find Delta Ceramcoat at DeSerres; visit

Photo: Clinton Hussey

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