
Going Solo
Here are 4 easy and imaginative ways flower fanciers have interpreted the fashionable one-bloom-per-container idea.

The Surprising Things Trees Can Do For Your Garden
Trees are a magical addition to any garden; here are a few of the surprising tricks they can perform—plus ways to keep a lid on their cost.

Why Gardeners Should Make A Bouquet Every Day
One way to get a handle on what’s happening in your garden is to make a sweet little bouquet every day. British superstar garden designer Dan Pearson shows you how.

Backyard Chickens Need A Moveable Coop
There's a perfectly good reason why Mark Johnston's backyard hens live in movable coops attached to his raised vegetable. They help pay for their keep by making fertilizer.

6 Fun Objects To Move Around The Garden
Six objects—no chairs or pots among them—that can be relocated around the garden again and again to make it look revitalized.

How To Make This Curly Garden Stake
Why settle for pedestrian plant supports when these fanciful ones are super easy to make.

How To Top Dress Floral Arrangements
Turn ordinary potted plants into miniature landscapes by choosing a soil cover that matches their look. There are lots of toppings to choose from including aquarium stones, beach glass and even rosebuds.

Pusher Broom Love: Meet The Schmutz
Swept away by a funny looking broom with a funny sounding name Schmutz Haken. (VIDEO)

Give Old Planters A New Cement Overcoat
It's easy to turn old pots and planters from blah to beautiful with a concrete overcoat. Brendan Power shows you how.

How To Get Rid Of Old Stuff Quick—For Free
One man's trash could be just what someone out there is looking for. Here's how to give away things you don't want at lightening speed to save the planet and avoid a dumping fee.

How To Make Flower Bulb Arrangements
Beautiful low-maintenance paperwhites are a great Christmas gift that is easy to make. Here's how to force these flower arrangements.

How To Light Snowy Pathways With Candles
Make light outdoors on a winter’s night by planting…