Why Not Do Spiral Ham This Holiday Season
One alternative to the Christmas turkey is going spiral this holiday season.

Make Gingerbread Man Ice Cream Sandwiches
How to make delicious ice cream sandwiches using gingerbread men—both scratch and cheater versions.

How to Make The Perfect Affogato
If you love coffee-flavoured desserts, the make-it-in-minutes affogato is hands down as good as it gets.

Pump & Grind Mills Are the Perfect Little Gift
Looking for the perfect little something to give someone you don’t know very well, or someone you do know well who loves to cook or entertain? These mini thumb-pumping stainless steel salt and pepper mills are practical and perfect.

How To Make An Easy Herb & Spice File
How I devised a storage system for my herbs and spices and forever did away with novelty spice racks and their special containers—or purchasing extra spice packets I don’t really need.

Make Easy Breezy Chocolate Soufflé
Learn how to make simple, rich chocolate souffle. Wendy Boys of Cocolico shares her recipe and technique in an easy-to-follow three-minute video.

Make Fruit Filled Pie In Under Five Minutes
Thanksgiving dinner is not complete without pie. Time to pull out the butter puff pastry and whip up a quickie handcrafted plum tart.

Make Frozen Puff Pastry Pizza Tonight
Martha Holmberg’s yummy Provençal Pizza is made with store-bought puff pastry—how simple is that!

Nuts Over Nougat
Thanks, Todd Selby, for introducing us to no-brainer nougat noir, the tastiest nut brittle ever.

Make Dinner Party Fave Chicken Marbella
Chicken Marbella is dead-easy slam-dunk dinner party entrée that will have every guest who tries it begging for the recipe. We kid you not.

Use Meal Train To Take Food To Sick Friends
Popping by with a casserole for someone who is ill or in distress is a time-honoured tradition. Now, the free website mealTrain.com makes this gesture infinitely easier.

3 Quick Canada Day Desserts
Let us not eat cake! Three fast and furious desserts for Canada Day dinner that will leave you plenty of time to man your fireworks viewing station. (RECIPES)

Gluten-Free Cloud 9 Flour Is Heavenly
With this made-in-Canada gluten-free flour, Gwyneth Paltrow’s oatmeal raisin cookies are even more heavenly. (RECIPE)

All-Fruit Popsicles Are Easy & Quick to Make
Why would you ever buy frozen all-fruit popsicles when they take about a minute to make from scratch. Terri Brandmueller tells you how.

The Easiest Way To Steam Vegetables
When time is tight, a silicone steamer in the microwave can take the place of stovetop cooking.

Puff Pastry Sweets & Savouries In Under 10 Minutes
These delicious puff pastry sweets and savouries are oven-ready in less than 10 minutes. (RECIPES)

Why The Mezzaluna Is Best For Slicing Pizza
Seriously, a mezzaluna is the only utensil you’ll ever need to cut perfect pizza slices every time.

Breast Or Thigh: Which Chicken Part Is Best?
Chicken breasts have long been considered the healthiest part of the bird, but top chefs favour the flavour of dark meat.

Craft Beers Really Are Quite Simple To Make
Craft beers are surprisingly simple—and economical—to make. All you need is the equipment and the advice of a homebrew guru. Natasha Irvine reports.

Make Fat-Free Pototo Chips In 3 Minutes
Potato chip lovers rejoice—TopChips makes fresh, yummy, fatfree crisps at home.

A Tasty Gluten-Free Sub For Wheat Pasta
Shirataki noodles are a guilt-free, gluten-free substitute for high-cal, high-carb wheat-based pasta.

How To Paint Cookies Without A Pastry Bag
For decorating cookies, there is an alternative to both tricky pastry bags and pricey tubes of store-bought frosting.

You Need A Pizza Stone
The secret to cooking perfect pizza really is a pizza stone. Here’s how to use one the way pizza guru Jim Lahey does.

You’ll Scream For This: 5-Minute Ice Cream
In A Pinch cookbook author Caren McSherry whips up the quickest—and possibly the tastiest—ice cream you’re ever going to eat!