First is was M&S. Now it’s H&M. Major retailers are helping to make recycling the next big thing in fashion.

PERK ALERT | Shopping + Swapping = Shwopping. Last spring, major British retailer Marks & Spencer joined forces with Oxfam to offer their clientele a place to drop off old clothing inside M&S stores—and they coined the term “shwopping” to describe the idea of giving away a piece of used clothing whenever you buy a new one.
Approximately 500,000 tonnes of clothing winds up in landfills every year, and M&S is hoping to help reduce this amount by donating the worn clothing they receive to Oxfam so the charity can reuse, recycle or resell it.
This winter, H&M began a similar initiative, only their recycling program offers participants a monetary incentive. Here’s how it works: Read more