
The Leg Test
What body lotion keeps your skin the softest and smoothest by far? We think we have the answer—but take this simple test to see if you agree.

A Dry Idea
Here is a shockingly simple way to ensure that your hair looks shiny and super smooth.

Complexion Perfection: Make Superior Quality Vitamin C Serum At Home
Vitamin C serum has proven benefits for the skin—and it’s…

The Next Best Thing To Having A Live-In Hair Stylist
Want a glossy, bouncy Kate Middleton mane? The Babyliss Big Hair Rotating Air Styler really does give your hair salon quality volume and shine.

Is Color Wow The Best For Root Touch-Up?
Believe the hype. Color Wow hair touch-up product does an exceptional job at getting to the root of regrowth. (VIDEO)

No Really, Vinegar Is Great For Sunburn
Who would have thought that plain old vinegar would be the best thing to take the sting and colour out of sunburn?

The Right Way To Apply Self Tanner
Keeping that summer glow year round is easy once you get the hang of applying self-tanner. (VIDEO)—plus the best products to buy.

The Best Way to Apply Nail Polish At Home
10 things you probably didn’t know about applying nail polish at home. (VIDEO)

Beyond The Mask: Try Microdermabrasion
The skinny on microdermabrasion, an effective way to improve your complexion.

Skincare 101: How To Super Clean Your Face
Allison Emery's tips and tricks for removing makeup, cleaning your skin and stretching beauty care products.

The Best Place For Eyebrow Threading
Chasing the perfect brow? Here's the best (and lease expensive) place to have your eyebrows threaded in Vancouver.

4 Nail Care Products You Really Need To Try
Even the most beautifully manicured fingernails need the occasional polish holiday. Here are four great products that will give them a break.