Sunchokes in a colander

Try These Easy-Grow Perennial Vegetables

It’s crazy not to cultivate tasty sunchokes—and these other easy-grow perennial vegetables.

Sunchokes in a colanderGROW YOUR OWN | Anyone who has tended a vegetable garden knows it can be hard work. That said, are there easy-grow edible crops that offer an exceptional return for a minimum amount of labour? That’s the question I put to my good friend and neighbour Mark Johnston, an amazing gardener dedicated to growing as much of his family’s food supply as he can on the large, attractive and highly productive organic farm-style plot he tends in the wilds of West Vancouver. Read more

How To Combat Teenage Towel Waste

Here’s a surefire way to combat teenager towel waste.

MOM LOGIC  | Have you ever experi- enced Dis- appearing Towel Phenom- enon? This occurrence is not to be confused with Disappearing Object Phenomenon, a docu- mented paranormal event where random objects mysteriously disappear and then inexplicably turn up later. In the case of Disappearing Towel Phenomenon, the objects are neither random nor their whereabouts unknown. Parents of teenagers know precisely where to look for their vanished bath towels: in multiple soggy piles on the floor in their offspring’s bedrooms. Read more

Are You Sleeping With Airbnb Tonight?

The Ebay of space, Airbnb offers travel accommodations to suit every taste and budget. And you’ll make friends too.

STAY HERE | Whether it’s on a futon in a friend’s living room or on a king-size bed in a luxury villa, what you need when you travel is a place to lay your head at the end of the day. Finding one to suit myriad travel tastes and budgets has become easier with the online service

The website was started in 2008 as Airbed and Breakfast by three San Francisco guys who rented out inflatable beds during a hotel room shortage. Now Airbnb connects travellers with people who have space to rent in over 4,300 cities worldwide. You can search by city or country, plus by price, room type and date, and read reviews by previous guests. You then contact a host through the website and book online using a credit card or PayPal account. Read more