Feeding Baby - iStock

Look What’s Number One With A Baby Bullet

If this product doesn’t persuade mothers to make their own baby food, nothing will.

Feeding Baby - iStockMONEY WELL SPENT | The number one reason for buying store-bought baby food is convenience, no small thing when you’re a newbie, have multiple offspring to attend to and/or juggle motherhood and a job. I used jar food when my kids were babies because I worked full time. I just never could get it together in the evenings to assemble the ingredients and equipment necessary to cook, purée and freeze multiple mini meals for my growing tribe, though I’m pretty sure if the Baby Bullet had been available back in my day, I’d be writing a different story now.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Kisses Her Baby BulletThe Baby Bullet, a Magic Bullet offshoot, is one well- thought-out system—a 22-piece kit (including a right-size blender with two blades) that enables you to make, store and freeze enough fresh baby food for all stages of young eaters for a week quickly and efficiently for what amounts to pennies a jar. When you watch the infomercials and YouTube videos of real mums making yummy avocado-pea purée, mango-banana sauce, even cereals in seconds, you see how easy the entire process is and how the Baby Bullet people have thought about and provided everything (including great recipes) you need to do the job right.

Of course it’s possible to make the same meals with a regular blender, an ice cube tray, a cookbook and resealable storage bags, but Baby Bullet makes it soooo much simpler.—Ruth Rainey

For more on the Baby Bullet, visit www.babybullet.com. We found the Baby Bullet at Bed, Bath & Beyond for $60 (it seems to be $20 more most everywhere else). CLICK HERE to watch the cult Baby Bullet infomercial, and HERE to watch a real mum making Baby Bullet purée.

Photos: iStock, Baby Bullet

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